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I am the Achiever Beaver (aka Beaverelli). If you look at my photos, it shouldn’t take you long to figure out why. I have a twisted, rotten sense of humor and I need variety and excitement in my life pretty much all the time, but I need it to appear quickly because I have a short attention span. I’m LAZY, IMPATIENT and CHEAP and I HATE WASTE. My husband of 2 years and I decided, shortly after we were married, that we do not want kids…now what do I do with all this free time? Whatever the hell I want, that’s what! I try to jam as much fun and adventure as possible into my evenings and weekends. (I have an office job.) If you love: - Fun and unique activities and adventures - Eating well - Dressing up even when you don’t have to (or dressing down and still having pizazz) - Doing painfully easy crafts all while saving money whenever beaverly possible, then you’ve come to the right place. Hell, if you like even one of those, you’ll surely find a tip or two. I’m not going to guarantee that you will think this blog is awesome, because let’s face it, not everyone’s going to be right all the time. Each entry will be marked with the Beaver Tail Flags: LAZY, IMPATIENT, CHEAP and a HATER OF WASTE. So if you are any (or all) of those things, the flags will come in handy on finding the right activity, recipe, shopping experience that fits nicely into your world.

Really REALLY Free Market

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Really, honestly, truthfully…everything’s free!  What a wonderful concept!  Why half of San Diego wasn’t at the San Diego Really Really Free Market is beyond me.  I still can’t decide whether I was more excited to get rid of things and provide someone with my old “treasures”, or acquiring my own special finds.

I dragged Mr. Beaverelli into this adventure too.  “Honey, let’s clean out the ENTIRE house, k?”  We didn’t quite make it through every inch of our place, but we’ll be sure to get it done before the next one in June.  We donate a lot of stuff to thrift stores (mostly Amvets and Goodwill) and while doing taxes this year, we discovered that a lot of the odd items can’t be written off.  Well heck, I’d rather give it away to someone free.  There are also items, like food, that you can’t really donate to a thrift store.  They had a food drive going too!  How about those half used lotions and body washes?  The kind you realize kind of stink…someone’s going to want your old crap, I can assure you.  The most beautiful part was when Mr. B cleaned out the messy one car garage.  There were full paint cans that he used before he moved into our place 10 years ago and a roll of linoleum that just hung out in a corner for 10+ years…ALL GONE!

Here’s some of the old stuff we got rid of.  After being there for about 2 hours, 90% of our stuff was snatched up.  I know it looks like a big, giant mess, but let’s be real, I wasn’t selling this stuff.  If I were to take the time to put everything out nicely, other people were going to take off with the stuff that I was about to throw into my own bag.


Beaverelli’s finds!  What a lot of fun finds: a corset that made my tiny beaver bumps look like a boy’s chest, a biker babe top, new plates, greeting cards, scrap book paper for my auntie, and shoes my size (I have tiny hind paws)!


Beaverelli Tip

 You don’t have a Really Really Free Market in your city or town?  Then it’s time you took matters into your own hands.  Why not pick a day, go to a park (check to see if you need a permit) and advertise to all of your friends.  Start with social media, put an ad on Craigslist, start a blog…endless possibilities!

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