
Get Free E-Books Legally!

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Mamarelli (aka my mom) took forever to buy into the e-reader, specifically Kindle.  She loved going to the thrift store, paying 50 cents for a book she could hold in her hands, and let it whisk her away to another world.  She reads so fast that she didn’t want to keep buying new e-books to feed her fix.  Low and behold, I discovered BookBub…the website where you can get deeply discounted or FREE e-books!

  • Once you sign up, be sure to update your settings:  select your categories, follow authors, and track your books.
  • Don’t have an Amazon Kindle?  That’s okay, they list e-books for these retailers as well:  Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iBooks, Google Play and Kobo.
  • They often have the first of a series for free…then if you’re hooked, you’ll have to buy the rest.
So if you’re a used book reader and were on the fence because you didn’t want to pay full price for a book, it’s time to take the leap.  There are no excuses!

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