The Bag Lady

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In California, you no longer hear “paper or plastic” at the grocery store.  Actually, I don’t know what they say now because I’ve been bringing in my own bags for years and have them already on the conveyor belt like a good little tree hugger.  I know that not everyone is a fan of having to remember to lug in their reusable bags, but I just can’t think of a good reason to not do this.

When I first met Mr. Beaverelli, he kept talking about ChicoBags this and ChicoBags that.  So what?  It’s a bag that tucks into itself, woopty-do.  Well, he was so into them, that he bought his mother and me one for Christmas and threw it in our stockings.  I started to keep it in my purse and one of my biggest obsessions was born.  I now have about 12-15 that I keep in my purse, my desk at work, my gym locker, a couple in the house and several in my car.  If I don’t have one on me, I actually go into a small panic.  Mamarelli can’t leave home without hers and always asks for more as one of her presents.  I’m also extremely protective of them and I brought some food to my former boss once and she asked if she could take my bag home.  She still razzes me for my reaction…I looked at her and said, “you have to bring this back to me!”  I’ve since gifted her a couple of her own and I got a text the other day telling me she understands now why I am so attached to my “Chicos“.

Why ChicoBag brand is so great:

  • They are compact and can fit in your purse or attach to it with the carabiner that is included.
  • You can (and SHOULD) wash them in the washing machine.  (I hang dry them)
  • They offer many different styles.  Original, Vita (my favorite), sling, travel (small backpack), duffel, tote, and more!
  • The rePETE line is made from recycled plastic bottles! (also includes reusable utensils and other goodies)
  • Bring them everywhere!  Grocery store, department store, farmer’s market, use as an overnight bag…endless possibilities.

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